Effect of the water reserve on the regeneration of herbaceous species in the Sudano-Guinean zone in Benin
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Effect of the water reserve on the regeneration of herbaceous species in the Sudano-Guinean zone in Benin
In Benin, wildfires are lit for various purposes: hunting, agriculture, livestock farming and many other reasons. However, the recommended period for these fires is often vague and does not take into account the water-determining factors of soils favoring the resumption of vegetation. This study aims to assess the effect of the water reservoir on the resumption of the vegetation of rangelands subjected to various fires in the Sudano-Guinean zone in Benin. The experimental design is a two-way split-plot, the main one type of pasture and the secondary is the date of fires. The evaluation of the photomaps is carried out by the clear-cutting method 30 days after the fires. The gravimetric method was used to assess the available water supplies for plants. In addition, the simple linear model allowed to model the productivity of the regrowth and the water reserve. The results of this study revealed that the phytomass yields obtained after the fires were significantly different (P <0.001). The third fire lit during the dry season induced lower biomasses than the first fire lit at the end of the rainy season. The water reserve available for plants is gradually dwindling according to dates. Thus, when the third fire is lit, the water reserve is zero. Linear regression shows that the water reserve has a significant effect on pasture productivity after fire.
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Koudjodé Simon Abahi, Alassan S. Assani, Pierre B. Akponikpe, Jonas A. Djenontin, Hilaire S. S. Worogo, Yaya Idrissou (2018), Effect of the water reserve on the regeneration of herbaceous species in the Sudano-Guinean zone in Benin; JBES, V13, N5, November, P122-135
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