Effect of tillage practices on soil and nutrient loss from slopping land of hills in Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Effect of tillage practices on soil and nutrient loss from slopping land of hills in Bangladesh

Md. Zonayet, Dr. Alok Kumar Paul, Khalid Syfullah
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 470-780, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Field experiments were conducted to examine the effect of tillage soil and nutrient loss from slopping land of hills in Bangladesh. A study was carried out during March 2016 to February 2017 in Bandarban of Chittagong hill tracts to assess the productivity, soil and nutrient loss as well as the nutrient balance in Jhum cultivation system and develop improved management practices to minimize the soil and nutrient loss in the area. First a survey was done to know the current soil fertility status in a hilly area and current livelihood of tribal people in Bandarban. There were four treatments for the experiment: T1No-tillage + No crop, T2 Well tilled + No crop, T3 Well tilled +Jhum crops and T4 Minimum tilled + Jhum crop. The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Survey result shows that Jhum cultivation causes soil erosion and does not fulfill food shortage of hilly people. Hill soils of different slopes were acidic in nature. Changes in soil properties were prominent on the surface soil depth (0-15cm) than at the deeper soil depth. The maximum soil loss was recorded from well-tilled and no crop plots and the minimum soil loss recorded in no-tilled without crop. The present study reveals that the highest soil loss occurred for the maximum length of 30m plot along the slope, while it was the minimum for the minimum length of 5m plot.


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