Effect of waste physico-chemical properties on decomposition rates and nutrients release during composting

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Effect of waste physico-chemical properties on decomposition rates and nutrients release during composting

Mohammad Arshad, Arshad Nawaz chaudhry, Ghulam Shaheer, Shakir Farroq, Shuja Manzoor, Ahsan Raza
Int. J. Biosci.12( 1), 329-336, January 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The stabilized and sanitized end product of composting is compost which is not only a source of macro and micro nutrients but also provides safe way for recycling of waste material and sustainable agriculture. The experiment was conducted at Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Pits were used for the preparation of compost. Farm yard manure (F.Y.M) and green manure organic waste material was used for the preparation of compost. Temporal nutrients changes in waste were monitored during composting process. Treatments were Farm yard manure (F.Y.M), Green manure, Farm yard manure (F.Y.M) + Green manure (WM) 1:1 by weight and Farm yard manure (F.Y.M) + Green manure (WM) 2:1 by weight. Higher temperature in thermophilic was observed in treatments T4 (FYM + GM 2:1) and T2 (FYM) temperature as compared to T1 (GM) and T3 (FYM + GM 1:1) which have green manure in high content. Maturity rate of different organic waste used in study and their macronutrients (N, P and K) status were as follow FYM > FYM+GM (2:1 W/W) > FYM+GM (1:1 W/W) > GM. It was concluded that farm yard decompose more rapid as compare to green waste and blending with green manure in an accurate content gives more stable and beneficial product.


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