Effectiveness of anthraquinone and methylanthranilate against house sparrow (Passer domesticus) from wheat seeds and seedlings in caged conditions in Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/05/2015
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Effectiveness of anthraquinone and methylanthranilate against house sparrow (Passer domesticus) from wheat seeds and seedlings in caged conditions in Pakistan

Shahzad Ahmad, Farhat Jabeen, Hammad Ahmad Khan, Khizar Samiullah, Sajid Yaqub, Muhammad Samee Mubarik, Muhammad Kashif Zahoor, Zobia Saleem, Asif Masih, Maryam Shafique
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 326-334, May 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Among avian pests, house sparrow caused serious depredations, not only to seeds, but also seedlings of various crops particularly in the organic farming. Different mechanical and chemical ways have been reported to manage these losses all over the world. The present study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of two bird repellents namely methylanthranilate and anthraquinone to manage the depredations of wheat seeds and seedlings against house sparrow in captivity. For this purpose house sparrows were offered with treated and untreated seeds and seedlings of wheat in two aviaries. By providing treated seeds and seedlings with these repellents, the relative effectiveness was appraised by comparing the consumed and unconsumed seeds and seedlings. Feeding responses of these birds against different doses of these repellents were investigated with the help of the closed circuit cameras adjusted in the aviaries. During the whole experiment among trial and control group highly significant differences (P<0.01) were seen in both seeds and seedlings cases. The mean consumption of wheat seeds treated with anthraquinone and methylanthranilate was 24.04±2.50 and 26.28±2.02, respectively, which depicted anthraquinone is relatively good repellent than methylanthranilate and a significant difference (P<0.05) was also observed. Different concentrations of both repellents showed a non-significant (P>0.05) variance when wheat seeds and seedlings were offered to house sparrows. House sparrows were influenced more quickly by consuming wheat seeds and seedlings treated with both repellents. Sparrows displayed noticeable head-shaking and feather ruffling behavior by consuming the treated seeds and seedlings.


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