Effectiveness of parkia (Parkia biglobosa) products for the control of Striga genesrioides in the southern guinea savanah

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Effectiveness of parkia (Parkia biglobosa) products for the control of Striga genesrioides in the southern guinea savanah

C. Z Itta, E. I. Magani, R. I. Ahom
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 3), 36-51, September 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Field trials were conducted in 2011 and 2012 at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Department of Agricultural Technology, Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa (08052’N; 69024’E) to evaluate the effectiveness of two Parkia( Parkia biglobosa) based products for the control of Striga gesnerioides in the Southern Guinea Savannah. The treatments consisted of two Parkia product : Parkia fruit powder (PP) and Parkia husk powder (PH) Plus No Parkia (Control) and ten cowpea genotypes (Banjar, IT84S-2246-4, IT97K-499-35, IT98K-573-1-1, IT89KD-391, IT03K-338-1, IT98K-205-8, Borno brown, TVX3236, UAM11D-24-55-3) and Gazum local check. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Generally, Parkia based products significantly delayed the emergence of Striga gesnerioides. Parkia based products also recorded significantly the lowest Striga shoot counts when compared with the no Parkia check. Five cowpea genotypes (IT97K-499-35, IT98K-573-1-1, IT03K-338-1, IT98K-205-8 and UAM11D-24-55-3) did not support the emergence of Striga gesnerioides . Among the susceptible genotypes, TVX3236 and Gazum local recorded significantly higher Striga shoot counts. Parkia based products recorded significantly higher pod weights and heavier seeds compared with the no Parkia check. Grain yield, although not significant, the trend indicated higher grain yield with the use of Parkia products when compared with the no Parkia check. Striga free genotypes had significantly more pods, heavier pods, heavier seeds and subsequently higher grain yield compared with the susceptible genotypes. This study concludes that: Parkia based products posses great potentialities for suppressing the noxious weed, Striga gesnerioides.

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