Effectiveness of plant growth promoting bacteria isolated from phyllosphere and rhizosphere microbial consortium of rice growth
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Effectiveness of plant growth promoting bacteria isolated from phyllosphere and rhizosphere microbial consortium of rice growth
A group of microbes living together and interacting both with each other and with the host plant is known as a microbial consortium. Previous studies have tested the combination of microbial consortium phyllosphere Fm48 with rhizosphere R15, effectively improved the growth and production of rice. The role of microbial consortium is supported by the role of microbes that constitute the consortium. Therefore, the effectiveness of the member of microbial consortium on plant growth need to be evaluated when applied in the form of a single culture. The microbial consortium of phyllosphere Fm48 has four members, namely the isolate of Fm48(1)(95.5% 16S rRNA homology with Serratia sp. Strain SE-3), Fm4(2)(96.4% 16S rRNA homology with Enterobacter sp. Strain KDP6), Fm48(3)(96.2% 16S rRNA homology with Enterobacter sp. Strain MS5) and Fm48(4)(96.6% 16S rRNA homology with Klebsiella oxytoca. Strain LRC162). The microbial consortium of rhizosphere R15 has four members, namely the isolate of R15(1)(96.1% 16S rRNA homology with Stenotrophomonas sp. Strain U1370-101126-SW193), R15(2)(92.3% 16S rRNA homology with Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila. Strain SZH19), R15(3)(86.0% 16S rRNA homology with Bacillus sp. Strain SC59) and R15(4)(95.9% 16S rRNA homology with Stenotrophomonas sp. Strain BCc6). The isolate of microbial consortium of phyllosphere Fm48 and rhizosphere R15 having roles to fix N2, to dissolve inorganic P and as a consortium produces plant growth hormones. The consortium of phyllosphere Fm48 improved rice growth significantly compared with their single culture, in contrast, there is not any different between rhizosphere R15 and their single culture on its positive impacts on rice growth.
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Aris Aksarah Pas, Didy Sopandie, Trikoesoemaningtyas, Dwi Andreas Santosa (2015), Effectiveness of plant growth promoting bacteria isolated from phyllosphere and rhizosphere microbial consortium of rice growth; JBES, V6, N6, June, P292-299
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