Effectiveness of practiced management option to control rice stem borer

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Effectiveness of practiced management option to control rice stem borer

Most. Surovi Sultana, Md. Giush Uddin Ahmed, Tamanna Yeasmin, Mst. Nasrin Khanam, Ferdous Akter, S. M. Zillur Rahman, Mr. Sukleash George Costa, Mr. Augustin Baroi, Md. Taibur Rahman, Md. Abul Bashar Mollah, M. Ekramul Hoque
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 1), 60-64, January 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The rice stem borer infestation was a serious problem for rice cultivation in Bangladesh. It caused damage of rice yield. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of two organic pesticides to control rice yellow stem borer. Two organic pesticides, Gonabum and Decomposed Neem Cake was tested to reduce rice stem borer at three locations (Paba, Baraigram, and Patnitala) in kharif season. Among three locations stem borer infestation of BINA Dhan-7 was highest at Patnitala location using Gonabum and lowest was at Baraigram location using Decomposed Neem Cake. Between two pesticides, Decomposed Neem Cake was performed better than Gonabum at Baraigram location. Decomposed Neem cake applied plot was sowed lowest number of affected tiller hill-1 and the lowest number of affected panicle hill-1 and highest yield at Baraigram location. Finally it was observed that rice yield increased with the decreased of insect infestation. Neem cake was suitable practiced management option to control rice yellow stem borer.

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