Effects of chlorpyrifos on testicular biochemistry and physiology of male sprague dawely rats

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Research Paper 01/07/2020
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Effects of chlorpyrifos on testicular biochemistry and physiology of male sprague dawely rats

Zeeshan Laghari, Nimra Munir, Maryam Hayat, Bahzad Ahmad Farhan, Huda Zahoor, Sidra Hameed, Irha Basit, Muhammad Irfan, Ansa Yaqoob, Muhammad Humayun Ajaz, Usman Ghani
Int. J. Biosci.17( 1), 75-87, July 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Pesticides and insecticides are essential piece of our organobusiness framework against the pests and insects to get better yields of crops. On the other hand, chemicals and reagents used in pestisides and insectisides are harmful and carcinogenic for other living organisms chlorpyrifos is broadly used organophosphate pesticide throughout the world but too much use of this organophosphate may have serious health issues and it is examined that it may cause infertility in the human beings. So it is important to control over and misuse of these pesticides. Therefore, this research was proposed to examine the hazardous effects of CPF on health of living organisms. Specially, male albino rats were used to check the degenerative effects of CPF on the testis. Different groups of male rates were exposed with CPF drug with different concentrations orally for 28 days of trial on consistent schedule. After completion of successful trial blood samples and testis sample were taken by disecting each rat according to their groups and hematological and biochemical analysis uncovered noteworthy damaging effects of CPF in the blood samples. Hematological and serum compound profiles of rats show increment in WBC’s, PLT, LYM, Total Bilirubin, Glucose, ALP, ALT, and AST. Generous diminishing in the dimensions of HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RBC’s and HGB was noticed. Histology of testis of rats under microscopic observation shows the degenerative effects of CPF on the spermatogonial cell of testis as compare to the control group. So current investigation suggests that chlorpyrifos may cause histological, hematological and biochemical changes in the living organisms and should be banned over or misuse of CPF by world health organisations.


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