Effects of different rainwater harvesting methods on the growth rate of Pistacia atlantica under rigid environmental conditions

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Research Paper 01/04/2016
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Effects of different rainwater harvesting methods on the growth rate of Pistacia atlantica under rigid environmental conditions

M. Farahnak Ghazani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 4), 182-187, April 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Applying rainwater harvesting methods is very important in arid and semi-arid regions because of rigid environmental conditions and growth limiting factors such as low rainfall and its irregular distribution, high evapotranspiration, long dry season, wide range of temperature changes along the year and sever wind. In this research, effects of different rainwater harvesting methods on the growth rate of Pistacia atlantica under rigid environmental conditions were studied. Study area was steep lands of forest park of Laleh in north east of Tabriz city. Experimental design was Latin Square. Treatments were four water harvesting methods (crescent-shaped banquette, contour farrow, crescent-shaped banquette + soil surface plastic cover and contour farrow + soil surface plastic cover). Seedling height and diameter were annually measured from 2001 to 2003. Height and diameter growth of the seedlings were calculated for each year. Data statistical analysis did not indicate significant differences between four water harvesting methods in terms of average height growth and also average diameter growth. The range of average annual height and diameter growth in different studied water harvesting methods were 4.4 to 9.5 cm and 1 to 1.7 mm, respectively. Because of non-significant differences between four water harvesting methods in terms of height and diameter growth rate and simple and low cost of construction, contour farrow method without using any plastic cover is recommended for developing of forest parks by planting Pistacia atlantica.


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