Effects of different soil media amendments on the growth and flowering characteristics of two exotic rose cultivars

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Effects of different soil media amendments on the growth and flowering characteristics of two exotic rose cultivars

Mohammed Refdan Alhajhoj
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 308-317, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The rational of the study was to compare and contrast the compost prepared from the locally available organic waste material with that of commercial peat compost and their impact on the growth and flowering traits of two rose cultivars. A glasshouse experiment based on different types of compost (poultry litter, peat, food waste, cow dung, leaf and wood chips) mixed with 1:1 ratio of sand was conducted using two cultivars of roses (Amber Queen and Pearl). The experiment was laid out on two-factor factorial arrangement using a completely randomized design with five replications. All plant growth and flowering characteristics were significantly (P≤0.05) affected by different types of compost treatments. The difference between two rose cultivars was also significant. Both cultivars positively response to the compost prepared from poultry litter followed by the commercial peat compost and food waste compost. However, compost prepared from wood chip and leaf materials were least effective as compared to the rest of treatments. Compost prepared from cow dung were superior than wood chip and leaf compost. The quantitative data indicated that compost prepared from poultry litter when applied to Amber Queen cultivar significantly enhanced plant height (85.67 cm), No. of branches per plant (15.67), leaf numbers (255.67), No. of flowers per plant (14) and No. of petals per flower (36), whereas days taken to flowering were reduced to 68.67, which were slightly higher than cultivar Pearl (62).Hence, it is concluded that under the agro-climatic condition of Al-Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, poultry litter compost and food waste compost are the most effective and inexpensive source of organic material, which can be used as an alternative to the expensive commercial peat compost available in supermarkets.

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