Effects of ectomycorrhizae on the wildling growth of six tree species from Dipterocarpaceae family

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Research Paper 01/11/2020
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Effects of ectomycorrhizae on the wildling growth of six tree species from Dipterocarpaceae family

Basir Achmad
Int. J. Biosci.17( 5), 195-201, November 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The objectives of the research were to analyze the effects of ectomycorrhizae on wildling growth of six tree species from Dipterocarpaceae family, and to analyze the species that have the best growth response on the ectomycorrhizae. The method used was a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. Factors applied were ectomycorrhizae and wildling species. Ectomycorrhizae factor consisted of without mycorrhizae (control) and with mycorrhizae. Species factor consisted of Shorea leprosula, Shorea ovalis), Hopea mengarawan, Shorea palembanica, Shorea macroptera, and Shorea parvofolia. The number of treatment was 12 combinations. Replication was four times, and the number of wildlings of each treatment was four wildlings. The total wildlings observed were 144 wildlings. The results showed that in terms of the height increment variable, the ectomycorrhizae factor provided significant effects on the growth of the wildlings. The average height increment of the six species of Dipterocarpaceae family with mycorrhizae was 3.60 cm while without mycorrhizae was 2.76 cm. In terms of diameter increment variable, the ectomycorrhizae and species factors independently affected the growth of the wildlings significantly. The average diameter increment of the six species of Dipterocarpaceae family with mycorrhizae was 0.11 cm while without a mycorrhiza treatment was 0.07 cm. The species that had the highest diameter increment (0.113 cm) was Shorea ovalis, while the smallest one was Shorea macroptera (0.063 cm). The survival percentage of wildling observed was 100%.


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