Effects of Farmers’ conflicts on Agricultural Extension Services in District Sargodha of Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2021
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Effects of Farmers’ conflicts on Agricultural Extension Services in District Sargodha of Punjab, Pakistan

Saima Sadaf, Ejaz Ashraf, Sher Muhammad, Nadeem Asghar
Int. J. Biosci.18( 3), 1-9, March 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Small-scale farmers suffer from various agricultural related conflicts. These conflicts affect not only agricultural and food production but also the personal growth and development of the individuals. The farming conflicts that may not managed properly and on time could hinder sustainable agricultural development. Agricultural Extension, as a behavioural science is responsible not only for technology dissemination but also for raising the living standards of rural households. The present study carried out in the Department of Agricultural Extension, Sargodha University during 2017. The focus of this study was to examine the effects of farming conflicts on agricultural extension services; to identify the present role of agricultural extension services in the management of farmers’ conflicts. The data from extension field staff (EFS) collected with the help of a structured questionnaire. It was found that the system was predominantly occupied by EFS who were not qualified in the field of extension and hence were unaware of the concept of problem solving in the scenario of conflict management (CM) among farming communities. Further, the results confirmed a detrimental effect of conflicts on performing extension activities.  Their effect was more for turnover of extension work by EFS. The low satisfaction level among EFS hinders smooth functioning of extension activities and they cannot monitor the farmers ’deeds during the conflicting situation. Presently, EFS does not take part in the conflict management process as they consider it not part of their formal job. The results of the chi-square test of association between EFS major degree area and their involvement in CM of farmers was significant.


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