Effects of inter-row spacing and superabsorbent polymer application on yield and productivity of rainfed chickpea

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Research Paper 01/09/2014
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Effects of inter-row spacing and superabsorbent polymer application on yield and productivity of rainfed chickpea

Siamak Farjam, Mojtaba Jafarzadeh Kenarsari, Asad Rokhzadi, Bayzid Yousefi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 3), 316-320, September 2014.
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Effects of row spacing and a superabsorbent polymer on some agronomic traits of chickpea were evaluated in this study using a factorial experiment with randomized complete block design in three replications. Three spacing of 20, 25 and 30 cm between sowing rows were compared as the levels of first factor and three doses of a super absorbent polymer (SAP) known Stockosorb® including 0, 9 and 18 kg/ha dry granules were assigned as the second factor levels. According to the results pods number/plant, seed weight and seed yield per unit area were increased with increasing row spacing and application of 18 kg/ha superabsorbent polymer led to seed yield improvement compared to control treatment, suggesting that more positive responses to the application of higher doses of SAP than which studied in this experiment is expected in rainfed conditions.


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