Effects of land use change on some physical and chemical properties of soil in rangelands of Kerman Province

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Research Paper 01/05/2015
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Effects of land use change on some physical and chemical properties of soil in rangelands of Kerman Province

Ali Reza Moradi, Mohammad Jafari, Hossein Arzani, Mahdieh Ebrahimi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 447-455, May 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This research was aimed to investigate the effects of land use change in three study regions of Kerman province. In this regard, a control site (rangeland) and a site with land use change were selected. Soil samples were taken from two depths (0-30 and 30-60 cm). Soil parameters including sand(%), clay (%), silt (%), lime (%), organic matter, total nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, EC and pH were measured. The results of land use change from rangeland to agriculture at 0-30 cm soil depth in three studied regions showed that in,Dehsard(Orzooiyeh), soil phosphorous was doubled, sand percentage decreased to 7%, and other soil properties did not show significant difference between these two land uses. In Koohsefid, no significant difference was foundin the studied soil properties. In Kaluk, soil nitrogen was doubled and clay percentage decreased to 7% and other soil properties did not show significant differences. According to the obtained results of land use change from rangeland to agriculture at 30-60 cm soil depth in three studied regions, in Dehsard potassium and phosphorous increased significantly to 16 and 3.3 mg kg-1, respectively and no significant differences were found for other soil parameters. In Kaluk, pH declined to 1.5 and sand percentage decreased to 8.63%. In the mentioned site, EC, phosphorous and potassium increased to 0.06 dsm-1, 3.3 mg kg-1 and 36.9 mg kg-1, respectively and other soil properties did not vary. InKoohsefid, clay percentage increased to 9.8% and sand percentage decreased to 14.24% while no significant differences were found for other soil properties.


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