Effects of Light and Different Diet Types during the Nursery of Snubnose Pompano Trachinotus blochii

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Research Paper 01/01/2020
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Effects of Light and Different Diet Types during the Nursery of Snubnose Pompano Trachinotus blochii

Rio A. Nicanor, Geraldine S. Baquial, Lenie Fhe P. Logroño, Glenn M. Bague, Allan Q. Minguito, Jomel G. Baobao, Maria Danesa S. Rabia
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 450-454, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


There is an increasing interest on snubnose pompano being a relatively new and high value aquaculture species. This study evaluated the effects of light and different diet types on the growth, survival and production of the fish during nursery culture (30 days) in brackishwater pond. The experiment utilized a complete randomized design in a factorial set up with light (with and without) and diet types (low protein and high protein) as the main factors. The treatments were as follows: with light + low protein diet, with light + high protein diet, without light + low protein diet and without light + high protein diet. The results showed that both factors (light and diet) significantly affect the indices measured. Specific growth rate in terms of weight was significantly higher in fish fed with low protein diet with light and fed with high protein diet without light at 6.72% day-1 and 4.32% day-1 respectively. Similar results were obtained for specific growth rate in terms of length. Fish fed with low protein diet without light got the highest survival at 84.76% and was significant from other treatments. Although snubnose pompano has a higher protein requirement, the findings indicate that there is compensatory factor contributing to higher growth and survival. The presence of light might attract zooplanktons, increasing availability of natural food in the system. Moreover, with light the visibility of live food was increased that could result to higher foraging efficiency and live feed consumption.

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