Effects of maize-cowpea association on Sesamia calamistis Hampson population dynamics in the same plot

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Effects of maize-cowpea association on Sesamia calamistis Hampson population dynamics in the same plot

Gorgui Diouf, Mamadou Lo, Cheikh Thiaw, Toffène Diome, Ablaye Faye, Mbacké Sembéne
Int. J. Biosci.22( 2), 141-147, February 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


In Africa, particularly in Senegal, the production of Zea mays L. has suffered considerable damage caused by Sesamia calamistis Hampson. To solve this problem, we conducted a study whose objective is to ensure food and nutrition security in maize in Senegal, particularly in the communes of Keur Mandongo and Keur Madiabel. Thus, the implementation of a good methodology is essential to overcome this problem. It consisted of sowing a plot of 2500 m2 of pure maize in rows, to introduce cowpea on these same lines (50 centimeters distance between the pockets) after emergence. And a pure corn indicator in lines was installed in the same area on the same day as the first plot. Maize stalks per plot are collected during two crop years on the dates: 30JAS, 45JAS, and 60JAS, to monitor the population dynamics of S. calamistis Hampson. The stems obtained (thirty per plot in total) were dissected to determine the attack rate. This made it possible to monitor the population dynamics of S. calamistis Hampson. The results showed that the population dynamics of the insect were negligible, hence the effectiveness of the cultural association between Zea mays L. and Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. At the end of this study, it was recommended results valuation by producers themselves and at around the world to safeguard food and nutrition security in maize.


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