Effects of nitrogen application and spraying of boron and manganese on growth traits of two potato cultivars

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Effects of nitrogen application and spraying of boron and manganese on growth traits of two potato cultivars

Sahar Jafari-Jood, Amir Hossein Shiranirad, Jahanfar Daneshian, Asad Rokhzadi
Int. J. Biosci.3( 9), 298-303, September 2013.
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In order to study the effects of boron and manganese micronutrients and nitrogen levels on growth traits of two potato cultivars an experiment was done using a factorial-split plot layout with randomized complete block design in three replications in 2012. The factorial combination of micronutrient×nitrogen was the main factor. Micronutrient application in 4 levels included: 1. control (m1) 2. boron spraying (m2) 3. manganese spraying (m3) 4. boron+manganese spraying (m4), and nitrogen application was in 2 levels of: 1. application of 100% of crop need to nitrogen (n1) 2. Application of 75% of crop need to nitrogen (n2) and the cultivar factor as sub-plot was in 2 levels of 1. Sprit cultivar (c1) and 2. Marfona cultivar (c2). Results showed that the effect of micronutrient on plant height, leaves number and shoot weight was statistically significant. The highest rates of mentioned traits was recorded in the treatment of m4 (boron+manganese). The effect of nitrogen application on plant height, leaves number and shoot weight was significant. The effect of cultivar on total traits was significant. Sprit cultivar was superior than Marfona with respect to vegetative traits. Considering the results Sprit cultivar in conditions similar to the region of this experiment may record higher rates of growth and yield characteristics than Marfona cultivar. Moreover dual application of boron and manganese can be resulted in remarkable improvement in agronomic traits of potato.


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