Effects of oil contamination on nickel concentration in muscle tissues of Brachirus orientalis in Persian Gulf waters

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Research Paper 01/01/2014
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Effects of oil contamination on nickel concentration in muscle tissues of Brachirus orientalis in Persian Gulf waters

Saeid Moghdani, Abdol-Rahim Pazira, Narges Javad Zade
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 1), 141-148, January 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to examine and compare nickel accumulation levels in muscle tissues of Brachirus orientalis in Persian Gulf waters (Bushehr province region), sampling the fish was done in both Bushehr and Asalouyeh stations during the summer 2013. After biometry, muscle tissues of the samples were separated and chemical digestion was done. Nickel accumulation levels in tissues were measured by using graphite furnace atomic absorption instrument. Based on the obtained results, mean concentrations of Nickel in muscle tissues were 1.378 ± 1.656 mgkg-1 dw in Bushehr station and 2.208 ± 2.445 mgkg-1 dw in Asalouyeh station, and it indicated no statistically significant differences between the two stations (P>0.05). The obtained concentrations and analysis done indicate that based on the WHO standard, the amount of nickel was higher than the standard levels and its use poses risks to human.


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