Effects of pastoral plants essential oil redirecting rumen fermentation to reduce methanogenesis using in vitro gas production method

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Effects of pastoral plants essential oil redirecting rumen fermentation to reduce methanogenesis using in vitro gas production method

H. Bouchiha, R. Rouabhi, K. Bouchama, H. Berrebbah, M.R. Djebar
Int. J. Biosci.7( 4), 150-156, October 2015.
Certificate: IJB 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of the present study was to evaluate interactions occurring between microbial degradation and essential oil extracted by hydro-distillation of two plants with three doses. Plants selected for this study are: Artemisia herbaalbaand Rosmarinusofficinalis.The effects of EO as additives were evaluated in vitro by using batch systems (in vitro gas production technique). Cumulative gas production (CGP) was recorded at 2, 4, 6,8,48 and 72 hours of incubation. The qualitative analysis of gas produced (carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) was recorded after 24 h of incubation and measured according to procedure described by Jouany (1994). Cumulative gas production profiles were fitted to the exponential model y = a + b (1 – e-c*t). At the end of incubation, pH values were noted.Chemical analysis shows that the reduction of total gas production is detected with all plants (P < 5%). the largest reduction is recorded with Rosmarinusofficinalis (34.73%)after the addition of 14 µL of EO, the other doses decrease methane production by5.1% and 26.08% with 10 and 19 µL respectively.This in vitro continuous culture suggests that gas production byrumen microbial populations may be affected by essentials oils. Therefore, essentials oils hold promise as feed additives in ruminant nutrition to improve feed efficiency and control of methane production in livestock. The consequences of the observed effects need to be evaluated with different doses or their active components and if possible conducted in vivo before final conclusions are drawn.


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