Effects of physical treatments on germination and stand establishment of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. var. Hyson) under laboratory condition

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Research Paper 15/12/2014
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Effects of physical treatments on germination and stand establishment of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. var. Hyson) under laboratory condition

Sahar Baser Kouchebagh, Farhad Farahvash, Bahram Mirshekari, Hamdollah Kazemi Arbat, Farokh Rahimzadeh Khoei
Int. J. Biosci.5( 12), 1-6, December 2014.
Certificate: IJB 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Seed priming has been reported to enhance growth of plants. To evaluate the effect of some physical seed priming materials (ultrasonic, gamma, beta and laser irradiation, magnetic field and hydro-priming) on seed germination and growth of sunflower a laboratory experiment was conducted at Islamic Azad University of Tabriz branch, using completely randomized design, with three replicates. The results revealed that the highest seed germination percent took place in seeds treated with “magnetic field” for 10 min. and lowest in those treated by ultrasonic irradiation and hydro-priming. Mean comparions indicated that the highest seedling length belonged to seeds treated by hydro-priming and beta irradiation and lowest from seeds primed by magnetic field for 5 min., magnetic field for 15 min. Higest seedling vigor index was obtained when seeds primed by magnetic field for 10 min. It may be concluded that tomato producers could improve seed germination percent by priming the seed with magnetic field for 15 min.


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