Effects of raw rock phosphate rich in heavy metals on oxidative stress markers in layers

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Effects of raw rock phosphate rich in heavy metals on oxidative stress markers in layers

Anwar Ul Haq, Zahed Mahmood*, Muhammad Ali, Abdul Ghaffar, Muhammad Yameen
Int. J. Biosci.14( 6), 368-373, June 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was planned to evaluate the effects of various concentrations of raw rock phosphate (RRP) rich in heavy metals on oxidative stress markers in blood samples obtained from laying hens. A total of 192 commercial laying hens of the same weight were allocated under the Completely Randomized Design to 6 treatments with 4 replicate cage boxes of 10 chicks each. The birds were maintained in cages for a period of 21 to 45 weeks of age. The RRP [A representative sample from Tarnawai-Lagarban, Danna and Kakul at Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa, Pakistan] was incorporated into a standard diet based on corn, rice broken, rice polishing, soya bean meal, sunflower meal and corn gluten meal (60%) to replace the amount of P provided by the DCP at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% level. A control diet was formulated without phosphate. Oxidative stress parameters (TAS, catalase, SOD and GSH-Px) showed decreasing (P<0.05) trend in birds fed raw rock phosphate-based diets as compared to those birds fed control (bone meal) and 100% DCP diets, while TOS and MDA values in birds fed with raw rock phosphate-based diets increased than those of control and 100% DCP diets. It may be concluded that raw rock phosphate-based diets at 75 and 100% replacing DCP may cause buildup of free radicals in the serum, enrichment of lipid peroxidation and hampering the activities of antioxidant enzymes which accordingly stimulates oxidative stress and damages the antioxidant function in hens.


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