Effects of rice water (Oryza sativa) as an adjuvant treatment of poultry coccidiosis

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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Effects of rice water (Oryza sativa) as an adjuvant treatment of poultry coccidiosis

Messaï Ahmed, Abdeldjelil Mohamed-Cherif, Redouane-Salah Sara
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 2), 245-252, August 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Rice water is widely used for its anti-diarrheal properties. The aim of this study is to evaluate its effectiveness, as an adjuvant treatment in experimental coccidial infection with Eimeria tenella. One hundred twenty broilers divided into 4 equal groups were used : G1: Negative control, uninfected untreated; G2: Positive control, infected untreated ; G3: Infected treated with a curative anticoccidial drug alone (Toltrazuril); G4: Infected treated with rice water associated to Toltrazuril. The infected groups : G2, G3 and G4 received by gavage 105 sporulated oocysts/subject. Weight gain, water and feed intake and feed conversion ratio were studied. Lesion score and oocysts output were evaluated after the infection. 7days post-infection, among the infected groups, the one treated with rice water (G4) showed an important reduction in their oocyst shedding, (19.26±12.63×106 OPG<37.21±19.10×106 OPG<77.77±72.44×106 OPG respectively for groups 4, 3 and 2). 10 days post-infection the least sever lesion score was also recorded for group 4 (0.33±0.58<1±0<1.67±1.53 for groups 4, 2 and 3 respectively). At the end of the experiment, (G4) animals showed a better weight gain and feed conversion ratio (1890g, 1751g and 1617g for groups 4, 2 and 3 respectively). Rice water when used in combination with anticoccidial drugs can correct the disturbances caused by coccidial infection and minimize the losses in the affected farms.


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