Effects of salt stress on leaf protein patterns of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) genotypes

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Research Paper 01/02/2017
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Effects of salt stress on leaf protein patterns of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) genotypes

Nima Dolatabadi, Mahmoud Toorchi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 2), 135-140, February 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Environmental stresses caused a protein disorders in plants and plants overcome to stress by altering the expression of genes which necessary for the synthesis of metabolites, structural proteins and enzymes of some metabolic pathways. To study the effect of NaCl salinity on rapeseed’s protein patterns, twelve spring genotypes were evaluated by hydroponic culture at seedling stage. Experiment was performed on three levels of salinity (0, 175, 350 mM) in three replications. In order to study protein patterns by using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) method, four weeks after salt stress performing and at the end of the seedling stage, leaf samples were collected. For each genotype in each stress level, proteins were extracted in three samples and electrophoresis was performed for them. 30 reproducible bands were identified by SDS-PAGE, in which 18 were polymorphic. Polymorphic bands divided to two groups. The first group had genetic origins and showed the differences among genotypes and the second one called stress-dependent and were affected by salinity. The 20.1 kDa protein bands were induced by salinity in all genotypes while the protein bands with an approximate 56.7 kDa weight were not shown under salt stress. Cluster analysis of data which obtained from protein patterns based on polymorphic bands were used to classification, which had shown high similarity with genotype grouping basis of physiological, biochemical and agronomical data.

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