Effects of some local plants on conventional and natural production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
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Effects of some local plants on conventional and natural production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
The study of the valorization of the plants of our environment for agricultural purposes is likely to make it possible to spend less to produce and therefore better benefit from its agricultural activity, to make production more accessible to the greatest number, to preserve health people and nature in general against chemicals. The objective of this work is to compare conventional tomato production with the one obtained from natural plants to determine whether natural production cannot practically replace conventional production obtained from chemicals in a suitable manner. In this perspective, the tomato variety Nunhems was used, liquid manure from two leguminous plants Acacia muricata and Gliricidia sepium, Tithonia diversifolia and wood ash extract. Seven treatments were made up from the nursery, therefore the unfertilized and untreated control treatment T1, the fertilized treatments T2 and T3 based on Acacia muricata manure + Tithonia diversifolia manure and wood ash extract. Treatments T4 and T5 were fertilized with Gliricidia sepium manure + Tithonia diversifolia manure and wood ash extract and treatments T6 and T7 chemically fertilized with NPK (20-10-10) and ammonium sulphate. Treatments T2, T4 and T6 were treated naturally and treatments T3, T5 and T7 chemically against diseases and pests. After 25 days in the nursery, 5 best plants from each treatment were transplanted to a plot where they were planted in a completely randomised block. Growth, production, physical, phytopathological and entomological parameters were regularly recorded. Among others, the weight of 30 fruits (g) showed a significant difference between the different treatments. The control treatment T1 was characterised by the lowest average (73.20±66.86a) in this weight, while the highest averages were found in treatments T3 (173.00±3.16c) and T5 (174.00±3.16c). The control treatment T1 was characterised by the lowest average (16.8±15.38a) in total healthy leaves while the highest averages were found in treatments T3 (40±1.22d) and T4 (40.4±2.07d). At the end of the study it was found that organic fertilization and natural treatment against diseases and pests in tomato production were better from the tested plants.
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