Effects of temperature and total solid on rheology properties and rheology modelling of cow manure

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Effects of temperature and total solid on rheology properties and rheology modelling of cow manure

Arman Jalali1, Reza Abdi, Shamsollah Abdollahpour, Framarz Ranjbar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 302-312, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Since, rheological properties have a major role in the simulation, design and construction of the many types of biogas digesters. Therefore, in this research for determining the rheology properties such as consistency coefficient, behaviour index and viscosity of cow manure were investigated. A rotational viscometer with temperature control bath was used to study effects of temperature and solids concentrations on rheological properties of dairy manure slurry having total solids concentrations (TS) ranging from 3 to 18.5%, shear speed ranging from 0.5 to 160 rpm and temperature ranging from 15 to 55°C. The results showed that manure behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid since the viscosity highly depend on the applied shear rate, also demonstrated that manure’s behaviour is similar to a pseudo-plastic fluid. Three equations were established to relate the power-law model of the shear stress and the rate of shear which reveals that in power law, the value for consistency coefficient “K” increases with higher temperature and decrease with reducing total solid. In addition, power index “n” increases for higher temperatures. Moreover, R2 of the model shows that the Arrhenius model provides a suitable description of the effect of temperature on viscosity. The model that provided in this research can show relation between K and n with T and TS.


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