Effects of the BioArt product on the dynamics and incidence of major cabbage pests

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Research Paper 03/10/2023
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Effects of the BioArt product on the dynamics and incidence of major cabbage pests

Mamecor Faye, Toffène Diome, Adiouma Sow, Mbacké Sembene
Int. J. Biosci.23( 4), 1-16, October 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Cabbage is important in the human diet for its richness in vitamins and other nutrients. Unfortunately, many constraints hinder the development of this crop. The objective of this study is to propose biological control alternatives by testing the effectiveness of the biological product Bioart on the main cabbage pests. Tests were carried out on an experimental plot in the Djilakh area. The experimental device used was a randomized method consisting of a total of nine elementary plots corresponding to two treatments and one untreated control plot. The plots were treated with Bioart biocide and Rapax biocide (reference bio insecticide). Treatments were applied every two weeks after transplanting. Data on the population of the main cabbage pests, the number of leaves attacked and damage were collected before and after each treatment. At harvest, the resulting yield from each plot was assessed. Results revealed that the highest population of different pests was found in untreated plots. Bioart plots had fewer pest populations and higher yields than untreated controls. On the other hand, the Bioart treatment and controls did not show a significant difference in the main cabbage pests.

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