Effects of using wastewater on soil chemical properties under drip and furrow irrigation methods

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Effects of using wastewater on soil chemical properties under drip and furrow irrigation methods

Parviz Haghighat Jou, Rasoul Asadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 102-110, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The significance of water consumption within the economic, humanistic, agricultural, and industrial realms may not be ignored. Hence, the implementation of a variety of methods for irrigation through low-quality water such as wastewater is considered as an appropriate as well as a practical approach. In addition, wastewater can be regarded as a rich source with reference to mineral and organic substances leading to soil fertilization. In order to evaluate the wastewater effects, the present study aimed to investigate the refined municipal wastewater of Kerman (in Iran) on the chemical characteristics of soil within the framework of the two methods of drip and furrow irrigation in comparison to well-water irrigation. Also, the present study scrutinized a six-day irrigation period throughout six-month period. The samples were obtained from the middle part of atmosphere in the two depth parts of 0-30 cms and 30-60 cms in four treatments of furrow irrigation with well water, furrow irrigation with wastewater, drip irrigation with well water, as well as drip irrigation with wastewater within the framework of perfect randomized blocks through three frequencies. The results showed reduction in acidity amount, increase in salinity, increase in phosphorus phosphor, as well as increase in nitrate nitrogen and in the concentration of heavy metals in the depth of soils through furrow irrigation in comparison to drip irrigation.


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