Effects of various environmental conditions on morphology, genetics and some physiological factors of 8 population of red algae pertaining to Southern Coastlines of Iran

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Research Paper 01/04/2014
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Effects of various environmental conditions on morphology, genetics and some physiological factors of 8 population of red algae pertaining to Southern Coastlines of Iran

Dawood Mirzabagheri, Somayeh Derijani, Behrooz Asadabadi, Shokoofeh Hajihashemi, Dara Mirzabagher, Jelveh Sohrabipour
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 93-105, April 2014.
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In this research which is performed during 2012 and 2013 , 8 population of red algae which were regarded as 8 suspected , and separated species were compared in 3 replications from the viewpoint of habitat , apparent form , DNA sequence in region of CholoroplasticrbcL, Protein amount , dry weight , chlorophyll and cartenoide amount. The derived data appointed these 8 populations pertaining to Gracilariacorticataand Gracilariaarcuataspecies, because of nondifference in DNA sequence and protein amount, despite they were influenced by environmental conditions and they indicated meaningful changes from the viewpoint of chlorophyll and cartenoide amounts and in some cases dry weight, as well as their morphology indicated some changes in various ecologic conditions.


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