Efficacy of fungicides, botanicals and vitamins against early blight disease of Tomato

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Efficacy of fungicides, botanicals and vitamins against early blight disease of Tomato

Hafiz Muhammad Usman Aslam, Amna Ikram, Muhammad Mohsin Raza, Qurban Ali, Owais Yasin, Safdar Ali, Muhammad Atiq, Luqman Amrao
Int. J. Biosci.13( 2), 140-148, August 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Early blight of tomato caused by Alternaria solani is one of the major production constraints to tomato production, causing significant yield reduction and resulting in a severe economic impact. The objective of the current study was to assess the efficacy of different fungicides, plant extracts, and vitamins in managing the disease under both in-vitro and in field conditions. Different doses of fungicides (0.05%, 0.1%, 0.25%) and plant extracts (5%, 10%, 15%) were used for in-vitro evaluation employing the poisoned food technique. The results revealed that, among all the fungicides, (Antracol, Nativo 75%-WG, Topsin-M, Score, Ridomil gold, Champion) score (Difenoconazol) at 0.25% concentration and among all the botanicals (Ginger, Garlic, Kalonji, Ajwain) ginger at 15% concentration indicated maximum percentage inhibition of 62.85% and 48.48% respectively. However, thiamine among all the vitamins (Thiamine, Niacin, Pyridoxin) at 150mg/L concentration showed minimum (26%) disease incidence when evaluated under greenhouse conditions. While under field conditions score exhibited minimum disease incidence 15.19% among all the treatments. Overall findings revealed that weekly sprays of score at 0.25% concentration were found superlative for the management of early blight disease of tomato.


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