Efficacy of greenhouse system for the hydroponic fodder production: A Review

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Review Paper 01/01/2020
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Efficacy of greenhouse system for the hydroponic fodder production: A Review

Sohail Raza Haidree, Zia-Ul-Haq, Muhammad Ansar, Hamza Muneer Asam, Talha Mehmood, Abdul Qadeer, Muhammad Kazim Nawaz, Hafiz Muhammad Qasim
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 363-374, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Livestock requires year-round fodder supply for their proper growth and milking. However, in conventional agriculture fodder is only available during short span of growing season. Growing fodder in hydroponics by using re-circulating nutrient solution and drip irrigation without soil in controlled environment is an innovative idea for year round production especially during slack period when it is not available for livestock. It is a water conservative technique, have various advantages over conventional growing methods. It minimizes water wastage by using drip irrigation system and nutrient film technique. The problems of water damage the quality of fodder. Hydroponically grown fodders are usually diseases and pesticides free. Greenhouse ideal environment increases efficiency of fodder production as compared to conventional farming. Animal’s production is severely affected by scarcity of quality food. The cost of production included, system establishment costs, cost of water gadgets, nutrients, cost of environmental control devices, seed, electricity and labors cost etc. are essential for a successful hydroponics fodder growing system. Feeding of hydroponically grown fresh fodder to animals result in increase of meat and milk production, and increase overall performance of animals. Quality of soilless green fodder is prominently depends on the management of hydroponic system. Many kinds of fodder crops i.e. barley, oats, wheat, sorghum, alfalfa, cowpea and maize can be grown in soilless culture. This paper, highlighted different work conducted on fodder production under greenhouse condition. Additionally, the present work highlighted potential impact of year round fodder production on food, agriculture, socio-economic conditions and livelihood of farmers.

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