Efficacy study of ginger and garlic mixture on hypoglycaemic and hyperlipidemic parameters of induced diabetic mice

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Efficacy study of ginger and garlic mixture on hypoglycaemic and hyperlipidemic parameters of induced diabetic mice

Amna Masroor, Rai Muhammad Amir, Fiza Komal, Muhammad Adnan Nasir, Furukh Faiz
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 374-381, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The raw garlic (A. sativum) and ginger (Z. officinale) mixture at 1:1 ratio have been used to estimate its effects on diabetes and cholesterol level by using alloxan induced diabetic mice. For that purpose, 25 mice were used, the mice were kept in controlled room by maintaining room temperature about 25±1°C and relative humidity about 45-55% under 12hr light and 12hr dark cycle. Intraperitoneal injections of aqueous alloxan monohydrate (40mg/kg) were used to induce diabetes in mice. The experimental mice were divided into five groups where G1 (Control normal), G2 (Diabetic control mice), G3 (10g/100g diet), G4 (15g/100g diet), G5 (30g/100g diet) each diet have 50% garlic and 50% ginger. Data was collected daily to check the effects on garlic and ginger on blood glucose and at the end of experiment mice were killed to collect blood sample and was analyzed for lipid profile. Resulted data depicted that a significant decline in blood glucose was observed in G2 after 72hrs. In G5 maximum decline trend regarding blood glucose was observed. Additionally, significant effect of mixture on high density lipo protein (HDL), Low density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides in G3, G4 and G5 was observed. Statistical results depicted that LDL and triglycerides were decreased, on the other hand significant increases in HDL level were observed. Moreover, G3 exhibited maximum reduction in cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride level. Conclusively it has been observed that the consumption of garlic and ginger mixture created a beneficial hypoglycaemic and hyperlipidemic effect in diabetic induced mice.

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