Efficiency of different decomposing methods for dairy farm wastes with indigenous enhancers

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Research Paper 13/07/2023
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Efficiency of different decomposing methods for dairy farm wastes with indigenous enhancers

Imelda Hebron, Joe Lawrence Jasmin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 1), 68-74, July 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Farm wastes are neglected resources abundant in many dairy farms in northern Mindanao, Philippines. The study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of utilizing the wastes generated in typical dairy farms for additional income. Manure and feed leftovers were decomposed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions with commercial probiotics, Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum, and Effective Microorganisms Activated Solution. The last treatment utilized vermicomposting method with African night crawlers. Data for the different parameters were analyzed using Analysis of Variance in Randomized Complete Block Design and Tukey’s test to determine the significant differences among the treatment means. The yield of harvested composts and the number of days for the wastes to become desirable organic fertilizers were recorded. Compost quantity and quality, expected income generated, expenses spent, and return on investments were computed on an annual basis considering the length of time spent in composting. Results showed that costs were lower (p>0.01) when composting anaerobically than aerobically. ROI was comparable with vermicomposting and anaerobic composting, producing more compost with morphologically millions of bacteria, some protozoa, fungi, and nematodes. Through time, vermicomposting was most efficient (p>0.01) taking only two months to efficiently decompose with greater yield and three months with the other methods.

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