Efficiency of the ice-salt mixture in the conservation of trevallies (Caranx hippos) caught at the artisanal fishing port of Cotonou (Southern Benin)

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Efficiency of the ice-salt mixture in the conservation of trevallies (Caranx hippos) caught at the artisanal fishing port of Cotonou (Southern Benin)

G.R. Dègnon, T.R.C. Konfo, S.E. Adjou, O.EN. Amidou, E. Dahouenon-Ahoussi
Int. J. Biosci.14( 5), 41-47, May 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Fish is a food consumed by many animal species, including humans. In addition to providing high quality protein, fish is a source of many essential micronutrients, including several vitamins (D, A and B), minerals (calcium, iodine, zinc, iron and selenium) and omega polyunsaturated fatty acids. 3 Unfortunately, it is a highly perishable product because of its high water content. This study aimed to improve the conservation process of the Caranx hippos. For that, the effectiveness of the ice-salt mix on fish conservation was assessed. The samples were stored in ice-salt mixture and characterized on sensory and microbiological levels. Results from the sensory evaluation showed that all samples were in good fresh condition and that the ice-salt mixture was more appreciated on several characteristics in relation to ice only. Microbiological analyses showed that samples have a low microbial load marked by the absence of total coliforms, staphylococci, salmonella, and anaerobic sulfuto-reducing bacteria agents. There were fewer than 10 CFU of yeast and mold per gram of samples. Nevertheless, samples were contaminated by the total flora (1.7 × 105 CFU/g) for sample conserved which a mixture of ice and salt and 2.3.105 CFU/g for the sample preserved with ice only). This method needs to be optimized in view of its extension.


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