Electronic waste management of undergraduate students – The Case of a Philippine Sectarian University

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Research Paper 01/08/2017
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Electronic waste management of undergraduate students – The Case of a Philippine Sectarian University

Monica Antolo, Louisse Marielle Concemino, Vanessa Yvonne Emano, Cherray Gabrielle Macabecha, Angelruss Marie Monreal, Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 2), 70-77, August 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Electronic waste (e-waste) refers to defective or obsolete electronic appliance and devices. This study was conducted to determine the knowledge, disposal method, recycling options, and alternative handling of e-waste among undergraduate students in a sectarian university in Cagayan, Philippines. A total of 150 respondents, with age range of 16-26 years old were randomly chosen to answer the survey. The results showed that each student owns at least one (1) unit of each electronic product classification and more than half of the respondents(55%) do not have appropriate knowledge about e-waste. The 59% of the respondents disposed e-waste through recycling facilities whereas 41% practiced appropriately recycling. Overall surveyed respondents were willing to segregate their e-waste through recycling facilities.

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