Elemental and nutritional values of wild fodder plants of poaceae in District Bannu, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Elemental and nutritional values of wild fodder plants of poaceae in District Bannu, Pakistan

Alamgir Khan, Ihsan Ullah, Saad Ullah Khan, Kebin Zhang, Zair Muhammad, Sultan Mehmood Wazir, Faizan Ullah, Sher Shah, Liujiang Kang, Manzoor Ullah
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 5), 53-61, November 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was designed to determine the elemental and nutritional values of wild fodder plants in district Bannu and its adjoining frontier region.Proximate analysis of fodder including proteins, fibers, fats, moisture, ash contents, carbohydrates and elemental composition of plant parts were determined by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer.For elemental analysis 11 elements; N, Mg, P, Pb, K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Cd, Ni,and Zn were investigated for all fodder. Aristida adscensioniswas found with the highest percentage of gross energy (396.50%). Among the nutrients, the highest value was determined for proteins in Rostraria cristata (6.25%), carbohydrates in Polypogon mospeliensis (65.12%), fibers in Dichanthium annulantum (34%) and fats in both Aristida adscensionisand Polypogon mospeliensis (8%) respectively.The results indicated that these plants supplement livestock with essential nutrients and elements.


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