Emergency dispatch information system

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Research Paper 05/01/2025
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Emergency dispatch information system

Lorymer L. Jauculan
Int. J. Biosci.26( 1), 107-118, January 2025.
Certificate: IJB 2025 [Generate Certificate]


This study aimed to develop an Emergency Dispatch Information System in the city government of Dapitan City. This study utilized the developmental method of research. There were forty (40) user-respondents composed of twenty five (10) students from different courses, ten (10) IT professionals, three (3) fire  officers, two (2) police officers, two (2) Police Staff, three (3) hospital personnel and  ten (10) faculty from different colleges. The questionnaire which was utilized in the study was patterned after the International Organization for Standardization and International and Electro technical Commission (ISO/IEC) 9126-1 also known as the Product Software Quality Standard Model for software evaluation. The statistical tool used was mean to test the developed system’s functionality, reliability, usability and efficiency. The findings of study revealed that the Emergency Dispatch Information System in Dapitan City showed a great functionality, reliability, usability and efficiency. It obtained an individual mean of 4.67, 4.66, 4.62 and 4.52 respectively. The innovation of the application of the system was highly generated and as regard to the maintainability, the system required less effort and requirements for its deployment. The system software minimized and eliminated the major problems encountered by the present system. It is recommended that the Dapitan city adopts the developed “Emergency Dispatch Information System”. The adoption of this system means easier, faster and accurate Emergency response to any incident in the city government.

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