Endogenous knowledge and ethnobotanical importance of Treculia africana Decne. ssp. var. africana in southern Benin (West Africa)

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Endogenous knowledge and ethnobotanical importance of Treculia africana Decne. ssp. var. africana in southern Benin (West Africa)

Pascaline Sènan Davoudou, Jean Cossi Ganglo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 6), 174-187, December 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Treculia africana Decne. is an important food fruit tree encountered in several tropical forests, knowledge of which is being lost in Benin. This study aims to assess the ethnobotanical knowledge of populations living near the forests of southern Benin on the use of T. africana while assessing the distribution of its knowledge within ethnic and religious groups. To achieve this, 339 respondents, randomly chosen according to a “step”, were interviewed in all five localities of the study area (Lokoli, Niaouli 1, Niaouli 2, Itchèdè and Toffo). Relative citation frequencies (FRC, %) were calculated to describe the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The knowledge of local populations and their relationship with the species were determined by calculating four indices, namely the consensus value for the parts of the plant (CPP), the value of the diversity of uses (UD), the value of fairness of use (UE) and consensual value for forms of use (CMU). These data were subjected to PCA, CFA and a generalized linear model (GLM) with fish family and extension. In total, 12 forms of use categorized into seven types of use were reported. The categories of food, medicinal, fodder, medico-magical, wood and energy use are the most cited. The seeds of the species are the organs most used in food; the bark, root, leaves and oil are used to treat various ailments. Knowledge and use values ​​(total, food, medicinal) of the species vary significantly (p<0.05) between ethnic and religious groups. The Nagot ethnic group as well as the endogenous has a better knowledge of the species compared to other ethnic groups and religions. The reported popular uses offer perspectives for the valuation of the species.


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