Endophytic Bacteria: A beneficial organism

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Endophytic Bacteria: A beneficial organism

Sehrish Mushtaq, Faiza Khan, Muhammad Shafiq, Mubasshir Hussain, Muhammad Saleem Haider
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 1-12, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Millions of microorganisms are associated with animals and plant species. Interaction between the microorganisms and plants lead beneficial effect on plant growth. Now a day due to this character they attain the keen interest of human. Wide variety of bioactive compounds are using in biotechnology are produce by these bacteria. They have ability to minimize the disease symptoms of plants. Interaction with host plant make remarkable changing in immunity of plant. Specific growth hormones produce by this interaction improve health of plant. Nutrient uptake and nitrogen fixing ability make their use as a bio fertilizer. Important metabolites and secondary metabolites are isolated from these bacteria which is useful in cancer and other chronic human disease. They play important role in degrading the heavy metals from the soil. In other words they play beneficial role in agriculture, medicine, biotechnology and in the field of food science.


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