Engineering management of rice-residue in rice-wheat cropping system of Indo-Gangetic plain, A Review

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Review Paper 01/01/2020
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Engineering management of rice-residue in rice-wheat cropping system of Indo-Gangetic plain, A Review

Hamza Muneer Asam, Zia-Ul-Haq, Talha Mehmood, M Kazim Nawaz, Sohail Raza Haidree, Abdul Qadeer
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 320-328, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In Pakistan and India wheat is cultivated after the rice harvesting. Some varieties of rice take extra time to harvesting which leads in the delayed wheat sowing. Normally combine harvester is used for harvesting of rice which collects mature crop plants from field and put residue in the field. Residue management is a big headache for farmers, traditionally it is burn in the field before tillage operation for land preparation. Researches were conducted on zero seed drill, zero till ferti drill, cultivator cum seed drill for wheat sowing in residue field. After that Happy Seeder was manufactured which works on zero tillage principle, mulch the rice residue and sow seed in the field. It was tested in different location of India and Pakistan. Its operational cost is very less than other methods used of sowing of wheat. Therefore it is recommended for wheat sowing in rice residue. For timely sowing of wheat in rice stubble field there is a need of advance technology on this issue, objective oriented polices and changes in the institutional planning and development. In the resent work, we highlighted the potential impact of happy seeder in rice wheat cropping system. Additionally, the review also highlights the impacts of rice residue burning on soil fertility, beneficial insects, air and environment.


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