Enhancing production of dwarf saba banana plantlets using macropropagation techniques

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Research Paper 01/12/2021
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Enhancing production of dwarf saba banana plantlets using macropropagation techniques

Jimson S. Ramirez, Anna Daie S Sacayanan
Int. J. Biosci.19( 6), 219-222, December 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to evaluate the variety of corm manipulation on macropropagation of saba banana that are appropriate and affordable to small farmers to increase their production and meet their demand. The study was conducted at the research experimental area, Isabela State University, Echague, Isabela. Four different corm manipulations on macropropagation process (T0 – Conrol/WCT, T1 – MRT, T2 – SCT and T3 – EBT) were used and set as treatment. Data analysis was done using the Analysis of Variance for Randomized Complete Block Design. Results showed that MRT significantly (p<0.01) produced banana plantlets early and produced largest number of plantlets per corm. Moreover, corms manipulated using WCT, SCT and MRT significantly (P≤0.05) produced taller banana plantlet. Similarly, corms manipulated using WCT and SCT had significantly (P≤0.05) produced larger girth diameters of banana plantlets. Result also showed that corms manipulated using different corm manipulations has no significant effect on the total leaf area on banana plantlets produced.


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