Enhancing the mineral retention in Labeo rohita juveniles fed citric acid and phytase supplemented soybean meal based diet

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Enhancing the mineral retention in Labeo rohita juveniles fed citric acid and phytase supplemented soybean meal based diet

Khadija Akram, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah, Mahroze Fatima, Zainab Akram, Hafiz Fakhar Hayat
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 1-8, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pretreatment of citric acid (CA), phytase (PHY) and their interaction on major mineral (P, Ca, Mg, Na and K) retention and excretion in Labeo rohita juveniles fed soybean meal based diet. Four experimental diets were designed by supplementing CA (%) and PHY (FTU/kg) at the levels of 0,0, 2,0, 0,1000 and 2,1000 respectively. Juveniles (initial weight 3.15±0.03 g) were fed at 2 % of their live body weight for 2 months. Three replicates were allocated for each test diet and fifteen fish were kept in each replicate. At the end of feeding trial, fish were sacrificed and digested in nitric acid and perchloric acid for mineral contents determination. Results revealed that CA supplementation significantly (p<0.05) increased the mineral retention in L. rohita juveniles. Similarly, the mineral retention was also significantly (p<0.05) enhanced by PHY pre-treatment in whole body of juveniles. Moreover, both supplements (CA and PHY) showed significant (p<0.05) interaction for P and Ca retention in juveniles. However, CA significantly (p<0.05) decreased the excretion of the observed mineral in whole body of juveniles. Likewise, by the addition of phytase, less excretion was also recorded in the observed mineral except Mg. Both supplements (CA and PHY) interacted significantly (p<0.05) to reduce the excretion of observed mineral except K in L. rohita juveniles. In conclusion, increased retention and less excretion of observed mineral was recorded in CA and PHY pretreated soybean meal based diet in L. rohita juveniles.


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