Environmental awareness, attitudes, and practices: A case study of a selected private senior high school in Surigao City, Philippines

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Research Paper 17/06/2023
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Environmental awareness, attitudes, and practices: A case study of a selected private senior high school in Surigao City, Philippines

Mariah Jay E. Escatron, Joey S. Simbajon, Venice F. Villamor, Mauricio S. Adlaon
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 208-219, July 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Humankind must respect and value the environment’s delicate balance to safeguard and preserve it for the present and the future. During the academic year 2022-2023, this study set out to investigate the environmental practices, attitudes, and awareness at a particular private senior high school in Surigao City, Philippines. The Environmental Awareness, Attitudes, and Practices Questionnaires were used in this correlation quantitative study, which included SHS students from a selected private educational institution in the Philippines. The findings showed that the respondents’ levels of environmental awareness are “very high”, and the environmental practices are “very good”. Using the Pearson correlation analysis, it was discovered between the two variables show significance and has a positive correlation. Based on their environmental attitudes, most respondents did not favor cutting trees, squatting, mining, forest fires, river drilling, quarrying, hunting, and using inorganic fertilizers. Based on the study’s conclusions, it was recommended that the school’s environmental programs, campaigns, and community extension services can help the learners maintain a healthy environment by implementing the existing environmental laws.


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