Environmental drivers of zooplankton community structure and bacterial load in Rajasthan’s freshwater ecosystems: A global perspective

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Review Paper 03/01/2025
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Environmental drivers of zooplankton community structure and bacterial load in Rajasthan’s freshwater ecosystems: A global perspective

Arvind Kumar Parmar, Suresh Kumar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.26( 1), 7-19, January 2025.
Certificate: JBES 2025 [Generate Certificate]


Freshwater ecosystems face numerous environmental challenges, including climate change, eutrophication, and pollution. These factors can significantly influence zooplankton community structure and bacterial loads. This review highlights the ecological factors influencing zooplankton community structure and bacterial loads in Rajasthan’s freshwater ecosystems, offering a global perspective. Zooplanktons are essential components of aquatic food chains and serve as effective bioindicators of environmental health. They are sensitive to changes in physical-chemical conditions and climatic variations. Eutrophic conditions often reflect species composition that indicates pollution levels and anthropogenic impacts. Various studies reported high levels of bacterial content during the rainy season, particularly coliforms, fecal coliforms, and Escherichia coli. This condition is due to poor sanitation and surface runoff. Various researchers identified that Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa often coincided with water-borne diseases such as diarrhea and typhoid. The increased bacterial loads in water bodies during the monsoon season intensify public health risks. Our analysis reveals that environmental factors such as temperature, pH, nutrient levels, and land use patterns can significantly impact zooplankton community composition and bacterial loads. We also explore global patterns and trends related to these communities and discuss the implications for freshwater management and conservation efforts. This review highlights the need for more comprehensive integrated management strategies that include zooplankton analysis alongside measurements of bacterial abundance. Such approaches are essential for developing effective protection measures and health policies.


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