Environmental exposure and health risks of the insecticide monocrotophos – a review

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Review Paper 01/07/2014
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Environmental exposure and health risks of the insecticide monocrotophos – a review

Vijay Kumar, Niraj Upadhyay, Virender Kumar, Sukhmanpreet Kaur, Joginder Singh, Simranjeet Singh, Shivika Datta
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 111-120, July 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Monocrotophos is a organophosphate based insecticide used for crop protection. Monocrotophos use has induced heath issues and water pollution. From the ecotoxicology, human health and regulatory aspects, it is essential to restrict the emissions and release of the highly acutely toxic chemical from the industrial processes and agricultural applications. In this review, we present the toxicity and decomposition in media such as vegetables, human tissues, animal tissues and rations, synthesis of the analytical procedures and materials used to determine the monocrotophos and identification of cis and trans isomers of monocrotophos. Also the main physical spectroscopic methods have been discussed in this review. The analytical techniques which are presented permit to select the best analytical conditions to detect monocrotophos. These methods are widely applicable for remaining organophosphate and other polar pesticides.


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