Environmental knowledge, behaviors and attitudes of University students in Mymensingh, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Environmental knowledge, behaviors and attitudes of University students in Mymensingh, Bangladesh

Minhaz Uddin, Saiket Talukder, Md. Shahadat Hossen, Md. Azharul Islam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 256-262, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted among the students of Bangladesh Agricultural University to investigate the responses of university students related to environmental issues. There were 300 participants from different educational level and they were randomly selected. The data were collected through personal interview by using a pre-tested structured questionnaire during the period from July 15 to November 15 in 2017. The number of male and female participants was 200 (66.7%) and 100 (33.3%), respectively. Undergraduate, MS and PhD students were 180 (60%), 100 (33.3%) and 20 (6.7%), respectively. Majority (36.7%) of the participants family residence were town, most of the participants father’s and mother’s educational qualification were BA/Honours (46.4%) and below S.S.C was 36.7%, respectively. The study revealed that most (70%) of the participants had a reasonable amount of environmental knowledge and 85.3% of the participants had incorrect knowledge about the cause of global warming. Maximum (88.4%) participants said that primary sources of environmental information were television and radio, internet, magazines and newspaper. The result also revealed that most (96.3%) of the participants thought that global warming is the most serious environmental problem in the world and 79% thought that natural disaster is the most serious environmental problem in Bangladesh. Participants environmental awareness level was high and they are highly concerned about different environmental issues and problems.


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