Environmental monitoring for rooftop green flooring in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan using geospatial techniques

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Research Paper 06/12/2022
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Environmental monitoring for rooftop green flooring in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan using geospatial techniques

Sumaira Hafeez, Maria Saleem, Saira Akram, Hassan Hafeez, Waqas Ejaz, Sajid Rashid Ahmad
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 6), 42-49, December 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The rural exclusion and urban sprawl in the Metropolitan area after the 1950s resulted in diverse environmental issues, which include mistreatment of natural resources and pollution of the environment, while the unrestricted urban growth caused too much pressure on existing structures affecting buildings, public services, quality water, and public health. Several research studies have suggested vegetated roofing can reduce ecological issues by reducing heat flow and solar reflection, reducing energy use in building buildings, minimizing air pollution, air cooling, and managing effectively the effect of urban heat island. Urban green areas have supplied a variety of opportunities for residents and can play a major part in developing economics, social and environmental interpretation. The review investigates the capability of the green rooftop and evaluates its benefits in contrast with the Model Town with the Ganj Kalan Union Councils of the city Lahore. High goal symbolism was utilized from which developed region were removed and dissected the proportion among NDVI and NDBI from these pictures. Land Surface temperature and get various reaches in regards to high and low, then, at that point, we need to do weighted overlay with the high-temperature region and developed (vector data).so we need to distinguish the rooftops which required the rooftop top green deck. As per examination which has a high advantage with a high worth of temperature that spots are recommended for green ground surface. It’s an activity strategy to plan profoundly appropriate regions.


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