Environmental parameters and bacteriological quality of the Perna perna mussel (North East Algerian coast)

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Environmental parameters and bacteriological quality of the Perna perna mussel (North East Algerian coast)

Kadri Skander, Belhaoues Saber, Touati Hassen, Boufafa Mouna, Djebbari Nawel et Bensouilah Mourad
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 151-165, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Coastal waters are exposed to a growing sanitary problem originating from the waste water discharges related to the development of human activities; In light of the increasing use of coastal waters, we focused this study on the assessment of the level of contamination of the Perna perna mussel by bacteria indicating a faecal contamination (using colimetric method) and the effect of temperature, salinity, suspended solids and pH on the accumulation of these bacteria. Our results show that, throughout the year, all sampling mussels harboured bacteria indicating a faecal contamination; However, the high bacterial loads are recorded during the warm months and in the site of Sidi Salem. The strong presence of E. coli is observed in the mussels of Sidi Salem and Rezgui Rachid where contamination affects 100 and 91% respectively of the samples (faecal coliforms represent 50%, 41.6% and 25% respectively in Lahnaya, Cap de Garde and Laouinet). The presence of faecal streptococci is more marked in Sidi Salem where 100% of the samples of mussels contain more than 15 000 SF/100 ml of grindstone compared to only 83% in the other sites. Statistical analysis has clearly demonstrated the effects of the SS, temperature and salinity variables on the dynamics of the bacteria indicative of faecal contamination. The obtained results demonstrate the involvement of anthropogenic activity in the microbial contamination of the waters of the North East Algerian coastline and show that the mussel represents a good model for the evaluation of the bacteriological quality of coastal waters.


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