Environmentally responsible behaviors of pre-service science educators in a State University in Central Visayas, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/07/2021
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Environmentally responsible behaviors of pre-service science educators in a State University in Central Visayas, Philippines

Zainon C. Yaun, Maria Roselin L. Delima, Christine A. Casul, Aubrey Belle S. Ynot, Angelica A. Torrefranca, Eric Jhay S. Visitacion, Naomi B. Madaiton, John Bert A. Ursal, Rex Vincent V. Mabuting, Jea Marie M. Malingin, Anthony James P. Yaun, Camille Joyce E. Dela Torre, Joje Mar P. Sanchez
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 1), 88-96, July 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Behavior towards the environment greatly contributes to things that matter in time when preservation and conservation movements are addressed. This research study sought to determine the environmentally responsible behaviors of pre-service Science educators. This research utilized a non-experimental quantitative design through survey of a 32-item questionnaire. Data were gathered and results were accumulated. Pre-service Science educators showed Very High Awareness on most of the Philippine laws and university regulations prioritizing the welfare of the environment. When it comes to implementation, respondents had Very Highly Implemented action, enforcement and support. The levels of implementation between these environmentally responsible behaviors did not possess significant difference. Awareness to laws and regulations did not exhibit relationship with environmentally responsible behaviors. Overall, Pre-service Science educators possess environmental behaviors, which make them environmentally literate. With this, they shall serve as role models to enhance conservation and preservation of the environment as recommended.


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