Ergonomic and safety prospects of farm machinery-a review

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Ergonomic and safety prospects of farm machinery-a review

Nauman Ahmad, Zia-Ul-Haq, M. Adnan Islam, Sohail Raza Haidree, Talha Mehmood, Hamza Muneer Asam
Int. J. Biosci.16( 6), 11-26, June 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Agriculture is familiar for most risky industry and it shows great amounts of body disorders which indicates that ergonomic risk aspects are significantly involved. There is very little application of ergonomic methodologies implemented in agricultural farms and workstations. Agricultural engineering institutes, academies and farm machinery industries should implement occupational health and safety management rules and regulations. Manufacturers face a rapidly booming agricultural machinery sector and need the help of occupational health and safety management to achieve business goals. Being aware of the influential factors on the occupational health and safety management is needed to reduce work-related fatalities and increase the company’s efficiency. Few studies identifying the influential factors on the implementation of occupational health and safety management in the agricultural machinery industry available are insufficient. This study provides a general overview of occupational health and safety management to investigate relationship between factors influencing implementation of occupational health and safety management among currently operational agricultural machinery. This paper also present a summary of issues in farming i.e., high-risk goods, responsibilities and work repeats along with controlling elements.


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