Estimating the direct use values of mangrove ecosystem: A case in Panguil Bay, Philippines

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Estimating the direct use values of mangrove ecosystem: A case in Panguil Bay, Philippines

Wilson C. Nabua, Alita T. Roxas
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 10-25, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Valuing the mangrove ecosystem poses some challenges as it is underrated by the policymakers and in some cases, it is excluded as inputs to decision making. This study aimed to estimate the direct use values of the mangrove ecosystem in Panguil Bay in 2020. A mixed method of research was applied: quantitative techniques employed surveys involving 924 respondents to get the direct use values of the mangrove ecosystem; qualitative techniques made use of key informant interviews and direct observation. The direct use values of the mangrove ecosystem were obtained by getting the volumes of goods and services extracted from it multiplied by the market price less the operation costs. Results revealed that while respondents lived in mangrove swamps, their mangrove utilization was tempered by the strict implementation of the no-cutting of trees policy in Panguil Bay. Mainly uprooted mangroves or fallen branches battered by strong winds were utilized for house construction and repair. Only 0.32% of the respondents utilized mangroves for the construction of their houses with an estimated total direct use value of Php11,599.20 (USD 31.98) and only 0.22% used mangroves for the repair of their houses with an estimated total direct use value of Php P1,401.57 (USD 0.22). The total estimated direct use value of the fishery resources (Metapenaeus endeavouri and Scylla serrata) was sizable at Php456.96 (USD 9.14) per fishing day. An important implication is to strictly implement appropriate policies for the mangrove ecosystem to be a rich nursery for fishery resources.


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